Monday, July 24, 2017

Living with Bert and Chris

After moving away from Utah 46 years ago while my brother Bert was still on his mission, we haven't spent a lot of time together besides dinners when we came out to visit. Their offer to rent their basement during our mission began a very special time that we have been able to spend with them.

We have a great bedroom and bathroom and a large family room that we have tried to personalize.  Light comes through the windows, and we can view their sweet little side patio.  We share their kitchen, and they have been so kind to forgive our running the water there when they were showering or not  We have tried to help a little removing ivy from trees and addressing a leaky front porch roof.

What an amazing opportunity for us to get closer and make up a little for the time we have been apart!  Besides eating meals with them and at a few restaurants, we have been able to attend performances at Hale Center Theater with them and also with my foster brother Skip and his wife Sheila.

In addition, their children JD and Bryant and their wives and grandchildren are around frequently, so we have been able to get to know all of them much better than we ever could before.  We were able to attend Jane's baptism and be part of their annual Christmas party with Gramps (Bert) and Grams (Chris).  We have been down at JD's swimming, and Rob helped Bry with a little kitchen remodel.  I have to admit that I envy Bert and Chris having one set of their grandchildren just across the street.
     A giant cupcake for the birthday boy!\

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