Saturday, July 22, 2017

Bitner Extended Family Gathering

On July 22, Rob's cousin Elizabeth Wilcox had a reunion for the Moroni Halseth and Irma May Felt Bitner family at the Salt Lake City Cemetery.  Roy and Irma are Rob's grandparents.  

Although they raised one son and four daughters, they had another daughter Jean who died at birth or was still born.  Arrangements were made to have a tombstone for her through Rob's sister Gloria Jean Dunford Lloyd who was named for her.  So as part of the gathering, Rob dedicated her grave. At the same time, he also dedicated the grave for his cousin Richard Colson, the son of his Aunt Mary. Rick had become estranged from the Church as a young man, so this was a sweet reunity of him with is grandparents with whom he had a sweet relationship.

Nearby, are the gravestones for Brenneman Barr Bitner and his wives.  Brenneman was the beginning of the Bitner line in the Church which includes President Gordon Bitner Hinckley and Apostle Joseph Bitner Wirthin.  

Here is Aunt Carol, the wife of Rob's Uncle Bob Bitner who is deceased.  

Others in attendance were Aunt Gloria and Aunt Carolyn, and also Rick's son Kwame and his family who are not members and came up from California.  The Spirit was very strong, and they were very touched by everything.
Afterwards, we had a picnic at Cottonwood Park which is on the site of the original Brenneman Barr Bitner farm in Sandy.

Here is Rob standing by the plaque which you can see up closer below.  

Here is everyone at lunch.

Jill with Rob's cousin Sylvia

Rob with his cousin Julia and nephew Spencer, Dan and Penny's son.

And here is everyone who joined us for lunch.

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