Monday, May 7, 2018

Our Last Days on our Mission - Visiting with Family and Friends.

As we saw in our previous mission, the last weeks of our mission just flew by. But we were able to do so much visiting still with family and friends.

I hosted my sisters-in-law for brunch one day.
A Swan House menu

Carolyn wanted us to put our hands together and had Rob take 
a picture showing that we were all united and supportive of each other. 
I love these women as my own sisters!

We were grateful to have been able to see Rodney and Marcia Ford at the Lion House for lunch one day.
We visited with Kathrine and Robert Fowles one evening.  Kathy and I were sorority sisters.  Robert was Rob's age, helped with the recent Yalecrest reunion, and is the Bonneville Stake President.

  We were also able to have breakfast with Jim and Joy Crismon from our first mission 

                                    and saw Wendi's mom and step dad, Donna and John DePalma.  

We had a fun time watching Grace on Friday/Saturday while Emily was out-of-town with her sisters and Bryan and Clay had a camping trip.  Grace was in a ballet production with performances Friday night and two Saturday, so we were happy to be able to taxi her back and forth.  We attended the Saturday afternoon performance, and she did such a great job – she was in five dance numbers!  

Here is the whole cast on stage!

After her great performance - I believe that she was in five numbers.
Always so nice to see the Parkinson's, Emily's parents

She had a piano recital that week as well.
We also attended Duncan’s soccer game on Saturday where they won!  Fun to see that…

Our last Monday night, Bert and Chris took us out to dinner to a fun place called Bandits.  It was so kind of them, and we were so grateful for their wanting to spend the time with us. 

And we have to include a picture of Mushu, their darling dog, who has been 
a companion to us through our mission.  She loves sleeping on my robe.

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