Sunday, March 25, 2018

Good-by to our YSA Ward

One of the special experiences we have had the last nine months has been serving in the Madison Young Adult Ward.  The stake president came up with the idea of having senior couples from our mission serve in one of the twelve wards in the Pioneer Young Adult Stake.  When we first got there, we learned that the bishops had not been notified before all of this happened, and ours didn't know what to do with us!  We were introduced the first week, but the kids didn't know why we were there either... So we went through a couple of weeks being largely ignored.

Over time though, we became better friends with many of the kids, helped with employment needs (Rob did this more than I), and I gave out hymn books in Relief Society!  They are such great young people - I just wanted to get them all good jobs, happily married, and on their way!  Such a choice experience... 

Here are some of the sisters in Relief Society

The knitting group every Sunday in Relief Society - Kaitlyn Scheib, Sarah Campbell, and another on the right whose name I have forgotten. They are making the most amazing sweaters.  

Me with Lauren Call. She is such a sweetheart!

Ashley on the right and her friend. I have brought her gummy bears from time to time!

Rachel Moore has been a special friend!

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