Sunday, March 25, 2018

More Good Times with Heather, Bryan, and Their Families

The mission reserved a whole theater for us to all see Coco, 
a great movie about remembering ancestors, which was
perfect for Family History missionaries and we were able to include Heather.

We had a fun night 

We were able to have Bryan and Heather and their families over for Sunday dinner one week.  It was a little birthday celebration for Grace and Heather.  Bert and Chris usually host their families every Sunday, but they were gone, so we played instead :-)

Good-by to our YSA Ward

One of the special experiences we have had the last nine months has been serving in the Madison Young Adult Ward.  The stake president came up with the idea of having senior couples from our mission serve in one of the twelve wards in the Pioneer Young Adult Stake.  When we first got there, we learned that the bishops had not been notified before all of this happened, and ours didn't know what to do with us!  We were introduced the first week, but the kids didn't know why we were there either... So we went through a couple of weeks being largely ignored.

Over time though, we became better friends with many of the kids, helped with employment needs (Rob did this more than I), and I gave out hymn books in Relief Society!  They are such great young people - I just wanted to get them all good jobs, happily married, and on their way!  Such a choice experience... 

Here are some of the sisters in Relief Society

The knitting group every Sunday in Relief Society - Kaitlyn Scheib, Sarah Campbell, and another on the right whose name I have forgotten. They are making the most amazing sweaters.  

Me with Lauren Call. She is such a sweetheart!

Ashley on the right and her friend. I have brought her gummy bears from time to time!

Rachel Moore has been a special friend!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Finally Snow!

I just couldn't let another winter in Salt Lake City go by without posting more snow photos.  This year, there hasn't been as much snow as last winter - in fact, for awhile, we had more snow back in Atlanta than here!  

Surgeries for Jill - Feeling Like a Pin Cushion

I have long been so grateful that I have been able to enjoy quite good health through the years.  But the last twelve months have changed that a bit.

I had known that I wasn't seeing really well, and the eye doctor before we left Atlanta had told me that I was getting some cataracts but didn't need surgery yet.  After Rob had his surgery in October, I decided to have my eyes checked and learned that I needed surgery as well.  So Dr. Rupp removed both my cataracts in February, two weeks apart.  I was told that without a special lens in my right eye, I wouldn't be able to see 20/20 after surgery, but I couldn't afford it.  Thankfully, I am seeing 20/20 in both eyes and now only need glasses for reading.  (By the way, I didn't have a problem having to wear glasses all the time afterwards.  I just needed to be able to actually SEE with them!)

First the right and then the left - lovely flowers from Bryan

Last spring, I got cellulitis in my left calf that didn't clear up for many weeks on antibiotics.  And then there was still a brownish-red mark there.  The end of November, it began to get inflamed again, and this time I was sent to a vascular surgeon who diagnosed that my Great Saphenous vein had failed.  The blood wasn't able to get back up from my ankle and that was causing the leakage into my tissues.  So I went in for out-patient surgery where they made 36 tiny incisions to remove the vein in little pieces.  Although they were sealed with steri-strips, they have taken a long time to heal, and there are, after a month, still a number of hard red spots and bruises.  But I hope that this will continue to heal.  At least, I am no longer having the pain on my calf, although the brownish "stain" will probably remain.  

Monday, March 12, 2018

Rob's Mission Friends and Activities

On March 12th, a number of missionary companions from Rob's mission to Argentina more than 50 years ago, gathered at John and Janice Gerritsen's home.  Everyone was asked to bring an Argentine dish.  We had empanadas, milanesa, canelones, beef with chimichurri, and beef stew.

Here we all are gathered around the table.

Craig and Laurel Jones

Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan

Mark Jespersen and Mark Baggaley

Mark and his wife Marilee

Jim and Pat McKean

John and Jan Gerritsen

And now holding the Argentine flag!  The photos on the table 
under plastic are lots of Argentine places. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Chris' Birthday and Fun with the Wonnas

This first photo is of Bryant's birthday the end of January.  It has been so fun being with these guys.

Chris with baby Genevieve

JD's Caroline in dress-up clothes 

Now onto Chris' birthday!  Chris really enjoys celebrating her birthday, so there were several events for her.  We enjoyed being with them and Bry and JD and their families.  Chris is such a special person and is so loved by everyone.

Fancy food

Lots of chefs

Gorgeous giant cupcake cake made by Natalie!

Grandma Peggy with baby Genevieve

Admiring the pretty cake

Making a wish

Blowing out the candles

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Dunford Women's Retreat

I don't know how many years the Women's Retreat has been going, but I have been able to attend several, and our family was even in charge a number of years ago.  It has gone from an attendance of 50, and included an overnight stay as well, to about 25 and just on a Saturday morning.  But it continues to be a special time with my sisters-in-law and my nieces.
This was the first activity to let us get to know another person.  It was fast moving and fun.

This one was called "Come Into the Light" and began with a wonderful video about the Statue of Liberty and how she was called "The Lady of Light" by those coming into the US and being able to live in a land of liberty and light. The torch represents enlightenment and leading the way.  The crown symbolizes divinity.  The seven spikes represent intelligence and the principle of liberty.  The robe represents Libertus, the Roman goddess of liberty.  The chains around her feet represent the freedom from oppression as they are shown breaking off.  The tablet shows the establishment of the law - 4 July 1776.  It is in the shape of a keystone that cohesion keeps others together and this nation is based on law.  The active stride shows that she is moving forward, leading the way.  C.S. Lewis said, "There are far, far better things ahead than you have left behind."

We all received a darling bracelet made from copper piping that was removed during a renovation of the Statue of Liberty.

Carolyn told about Grandma Irma Felt Bitner and sang a funny song that she used to sing.

Annette shared the tender mercies she has received in the past two years since Doug and Izzy passed away.  She is such a neat woman and special friend.

Jennifer Adams, who is married to Annette's son Bill, shared her latest book - I am a Warrior Goddess.  She writes the Baby Lit books and does such amazing work

Liz, Ryan's wife also sang a lovely song.

We had several other speakers and wonderful food.  I was able to bring Emily, so it was fun...  (Heather, unfortunately, had school that day)

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Roots Tech 2018 Activities

Although I did not go to Roots Tech because of my leg surgery, Rob invite Bryan and Clay to go with him on Saturday which was Family Day. He had a chance to attend a DNA and a couple of other classes and some other training,.  He also enjoyed just walking around the hall and seeing all of the booths.

He talked about President and Sister Oaks' great talk and shared it with me.  Kristen Oaks was a sorority sister in high school, so it was fun to hear and see her