Monday, December 11, 2017

Jill's 70th Birthday!

On December 11th, I turned 70 years old!  That is just amazing to me!  Mentally, I feel about 42, so the fact that my body is a bit older is hard to get my head around...

The day began with Rob's making me wonderful scrambled eggs (he makes the best ones!) and ham, in a butterfly-like design.

 Then my sister Joy, along with my brother Bert decorated the front porch!

I had lunch with two of my childhood friends, Karren Kelly Hammer and Irene Larsen Bole - they have been such great friends through the years, and I am so grateful that we are still great friends! We went to a restaurant called the Blue Lemon across from Temple Square.  Besides buying my lunch, Karren also gave me a darling bracelet.

That night, we met Bryan and Heather's family at Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants!

Catherine and Duncan

Clay and Caroline

Heather and Elizabeth

Emily and me

Bryan and Grace with me.

Heather and John Morgan

Us!  Don't I have the best looking husband in the world?!

Lots of candles on the cake (and they were re-lightable, which is why I am laughing here.

Grace and Clay gave me a lovely poinsettia.

Bryan and Emily gave me a stunning necklace called The Phoenix, 
plus a note about why I represent a phoenix in his mind. 

Chocolate truffles from the Nemelkas - I love those dark ones...

And a beautiful blue sweater from Heather.

And candy from the 60"s which I shared with everyone...

A lovely, soft plaid scarf from Brittany - I love plaid!

Opening up 

Ben's gift! - A print of the Bethlehem which I can't wait to frame for next year!

And Rob's gift!  I have wanted a domed little cake plate for sometime - 
again, some decor for when we get back home.

Rob also gave me a wonderful book that he put together About Jill, which included special facts 
about me and my growing up.  Matt and Adam had gone in on it as well. Things I like, colors, etc.

So fun!

Hugs from Clay!

And Grace!

Along with dinner and everything else, Heather brought a giant bouquet of balloons,!

Clay and Ben gave me gift cards to Amazon. I was also able to talk to all of my kids - that made things even more special!  

And the next Saturday, my sisters-in-law took me to breakfast and gave me gifts as well.  

I was just overwhelmed by all of it.All in all, it was a great birthday! 
I am so blessed by my family and friends...

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