Friday, August 4, 2017

We Get to See Old Friends

One of the things that has been for fun us since we have been out is seeing so many of our friends who have either stopped by while they are out here, or have been coming for training at Church Headquarters before leaving on missions.

Probably the first one that we saw after we came out here was Daeshaun White, Clay's godson, who was brought out by Clay to attend LDS Business College for the coming year.  They spent the night at our house while they were trying to find Daeshaun housing and furnishings (thanks to Heather, he was able to borrow a bed and mattress).  They found all.  Since then, we have had lunch with Daeshaun a number of times.  We visited the College campus with him, and then he came up to see our offices.

In the fall, we were able to go to Kaysi Coleman's daughter's wedding reception and see Kaysi from Sugar Hill Ward - alas no picture :-(. The same thing happened with David and Cindy Parente who were here for a nephew's wedding.

We visited with and had dinner with the Roti's from our Atlanta Georgia temple shift who were receiving training before heading the to Kiev Temple as missionaries - brave folks!

The night that we were going to attend the Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert, we were eating dinner at Kneaders in City Creek.  And who should be at an adjoining table but Irene Larson Bole, a childhood friend, and her husband!  It was such a treat to see her and to all visit for a little while.  Then Santa joined us for a picture!

John Gerritsen, who was a missionary companion to Rob in Argentina over 50 years ago, and his wife came to see our offices.  After dinner at the COB cafeteria, they took us over to the Church Museum, where they work on Wednesday nights, to see the exhibits there.

In March,  Carl Bowman, a dear friend of over 45 years from Midland was able to pop up to see us while visiting with his family out here.   His mother had served in the translation department about 60 years ago when he was young.

Who should we run into on Temple Square but Andy and Karen Jones from our old Snellville Ward days!  We were running to catch Trax to go to the airport for Alex' sealing, so we only had times for hugs and a photo.
Karren and Doug Hammer treated us to dinner at the Little America hotel. Karren and I have been friends since we were about four years old.  They moved to Michigan the same time we did where Doug, who was a Pi Kap with Rob at the U, attended the University of Michigan to get his masters in Public Health.  He has been the Legal Counsel for Intermountain Health Care for many, many years. We have enjoyed their friendship so much through the years.

Ken and Leslie White, whom we have known for nearly 30 years, came to visit us when she was in Salt Lake attending her high school reunion.  We encouraged them to get together after the death of Ken's spouse and Leslie's earlier divorce.   We have done some fun things with them through the years, so it was neat having them come here... This picture was taken at the Discovery Zone in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  You get to choose a scene that is projected on a green screen - so here we are at Bryce Canyon!

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