Thursday, August 31, 2017

Visits to the Salt Lake Cemetery

With both of our parents buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery, it was nice to visit their graves.  We went to Rob's the day before Memorial Day - they are right by the road in the upper part of the cemetery.  They always said that they chose that spot so they could look down on the baseball field just over the fence and watch a game on Resurrection morning!  

We looked for my folks' graves as well, but couldn't find them.  I had to go online to find where they were located.  Even then, it was a little tricky.  We came back one day after work to officially locate them.  I love Peter Rabbit under Nonny's name and the duck under Poppy's.  

We want to come back another time and bring flowers, too!  
(By the way, we don't have grave plots.  We don't even know where we want to be buried, or we may have to be cremated!  I, personally, am planning on living until the Savior comes again and be twinkled! )

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