Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mother's Day in Atlanta and Utah

After an early wake-up on Mother's Day after Alex and Charlotte's reception the night before , we dropped by the parking lot of the Sugar Hill Ward building to give hugs to two of my friends from the ward there, and then on to Clay's and Amie's for Church and the rest of our stay.

Matt and Tana had given me yummy Almond Rocher candy, a Happy Mother's Day balloon, and a sweet little African violet in a cute pot.  I actually boxed up the violet in a plastic bag and put it in our luggage, and it traveled home just fine, so it now sits on our window sill.  Clay and Amie gave me a boxed set of DVD's for the series "Victoria" which we have enjoyed.

We had lunch with Clay's family and then Rob was able to take some photos of them in their pretty backyard afterward.

It was sweet to be able to take a photo of their saying family prayers.

Amie made some wonderful bread which we all gobbled down.  

Before they left to go back to Virginia after the sealing,  Brittany gave me 
a cute gratitude picture which looks so cute with my little yellow bird.  

There was a rainbow over the mountains on the 21st when we celebrated
 Mother's Day in Utah the next weekend.  

Heather kindly hosted us at our dinner including hers and Bryan's families.

Adam gave me/us a wonderful set of photos of their family that mount on the wall.

Ben and Bryan gave me Amazon gift cards which I used to get a great computer case, and Heather gave me some Mac makeup and dark chocolates.

Such a wonderful time for a mother...

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