Saturday, May 13, 2017

Alex and Charlotte's Sealing

One of the blessings of being able to serve a Senior Mission is that you can attend important family events.  We were so excited when our mission presidency gave us permission to attend Alex and Charlotte's sealing on May 13th in the Atlanta Temple.  And we were even happier to get very cheap airfares and car rental!  

We got in late after a direct flight and spent that night at Matt's and Tana's.  We headed down early on Saturday morning to the temple to participate in baptisms for the dead for Faith and Clara doing family names.  Then we left them in the annex to attend Alex and Charlotte's sealing.  They had been married last July, just before we left on our mission.  She hadn't been married a year yet in order for them to be sealed.  But this was even better because her parents had come from China for her Ga Tech graduation, so they were able to participate in this as well.

We stopped off in the waiting room at the front of the temple. where Eden was waiting with Charlotte's parents to meet them and give them a copy of the Proclamation on the Family that we had gotten in Mandarin and framed for them.

The sealing was so lovely - and so neat to be there with Matt and Tana, Clay and Amie, and Brittany and Michael.  They are such a sweet couple - we can't wait for everyone to meet Charlotte.

Here we are with her wonderful parents!

Such a sweet couple!

Lots of family were able to be there.

How beautiful the temple always is!

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