Saturday, June 30, 2018

Welcome to Georgia - Home at Last

Many people while we were on our mission,  especially our brothers and sisters, said that they thought we should just move back to Salt Lake.  We thought a lot about it and the possibility of continuing to serve multiple missions as church service missionaries.  But when I prayed about it, I just felt that I would know where we should be when we returned home. 

As we drove across the Georgia state line after about six weeks on the road, my eyes just filled with tears because I knew that this is where we were supposed to be.

Because we had rented our home until the end of June, Clay and Amie let us stay with them for two weeks, and then we were with Matt and Tana for a week.  During that time, we were able to have fun with their families as well.

Amie and the older girls were at Girls Camp, so we played with Lia, including driving up to Matt's and bringing Rowan down for a couple of days.  

When Amie and the girls returned, we had a fun night at the movies seeing Incredibles 2.

Rob helped Amie with her beehives

Rob taught and helped Preston to spray for tent caterpillars in one of their trees.

We did go to our ward that first Sunday while still at Matt's.  After being released face-to-face by President Galt, and that same day we were called as the 14-15 year-old Sunday School teachers.  Later that week, we were called to work in the Temple on Saturday mornings.  I had hoped to get a month or so to move in and relax, but that wasn't the Lord's plan, I guess...

The ward was so amazing arranging workers to get us back in our town home.  (By the way, the renters had done such a great job keeping it clean and ready for us - we were so blessed).  On Friday night, Matt, Clay and Preston joined us at the Cain's home loading about 1/3 of the trailer.

  The next morning, there were about 15 ward members to complete the process in 
less than 2 1/2 hours.  It was so unbelievable!   They even cleaned out the moving truck 
before we could get to it.   We were so blessed.

And now the real work began with figuring out where to put everything.

Twenty-three months to the day, we moved back home from this wonderful mission.  So many adventures, faith-promoting experiences and things learned.  We are so grateful that we were able to go and serve the Lord on a mission again.

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