Friday, June 30, 2017

The Wonnadunoveritte Reunion

Just before our family reunion at Bear Lake, we had a fun evening reunion with Jill's siblings and their families - Bert and Chris, Skip and Sheila, and Joy and Willi.  It was held at a nearby park.  We prepared pulled pork sandwiches and then everyone brought food.

Besides visiting, each family member put a leaf with their name on it on the correct limb of the family tree that Bert made - it was so awesome.  

Maggie, Natalie, and Bryan

Tana and Chris

Eden and Brooke

Heather, Adam, and JD

Joy and Stacy


Bryan, Markus, and JD

Brian, and Tracy

Joy and Heather

Bryan, Markus, and Heather

Willi and Joy




Skip and Sheila



Eden and Tana

Alison, Adam, and Heather



Bayleigh and Willi

We also did a watermelon explosion experiment that didn't quite work.  A series of rubber bands were put around the center of the melon.  Eventually, the pressure is supposed to cause the melon to break open - it just wasn't happening, so Bryan and Adam hit it on either side at the same time and it popped.  The little kids just scrambled to it with their hands are started digging out the watermelon and eating it as fast as they could!  It was so funny!!

Bert helps as a few more rubber bands are added!

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