Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Utah State Fair

When we grew up, going to the Utah State Fair every September was a big deal.  It is interesting that even though we didn't know each other then, we both remembered the Horticultural building where every county in Utah put on a display about their country using fruits and vegetables to make pictures.  We also loved visiting the animal barns to see the cows, sheep, pigs, and horses.
So one of things that we wanted to do during our first September here in 46 years was to visit the fair. We have to say that we were both a little disappointed. The Horticultural building had a couple of displays, but there were mostly different vegetables displayed with the ribbons that they had won.
There were goats in one building and sheep in another.  But we learned that they had to rotate the livestock in and out because there wasn't enough room to have them all there at the same time.  We loved seeing this momma pig with all the babies..
But the most important reason that we went was to see the amazing quilt that Willi, my sister Joy's husband had done which won third prize.  Willi is 82, so this was particularly a great honor.  And then he gave it to us for Christmas!  What a sweet, sweet gift that we will treasure.

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