Saturday, October 8, 2016

The African Interpreters

Although we have interpreters in 57 booths and in countries for General Conference, not every language was represented.  For that reason, the African languages come a week later to post record Conference. The languages are Efik, Igbuano, Twi, and Yoruba. We also have Ahmaric (Ethiopia), Fante, and Malagasy (Madagascar), but those are done with the other languages. These wonderful folks come from all over the United States, Nigeria, and Ghana to do the interpretation. In addition, we also had a recent event which was for Africa West, so we had representatives from each of the teams do that as well.

Besides arranging their airfares, hotels, and food during their stay, we make sure that they have the translations that we need.They also like different snacks at the recording (fruit and cheese rather than candy and granola bars. In between their recording sessions, we were able to host them at the Lion House Restaurant which they really enjoyed.
The Yoruba team

The Igbo team

The Efik team
The Twi team
The Efik and Igbo teams
The Igbo and Yoruba team

Rob, Stewart, and other team members
They are such sweet people and most have a story to tell about how they got here to the United States - some are here because of political asylum (returning to their country could mean their death), others are here going to school and then planning on going home and helping build their country, and others have just settled here and married an American. One woman who has lived in California for some time, returned from Nigeria just a day before having attended her daughter's wedding. Although the daughter and her husband lived in the US,, they wanted to go back home to go through a traditional wedding tribal wedding.

 We again are so grateful to have rubbed shoulders with such interesting people


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