Saturday, March 4, 2017

Missionaries from Georgia That We Serve With

Unlike our earlier mission, we are serving with other missionaries whom we know from back in Georgia (we did serve with the Cornish's in the Caribbean, but he was in the Area Presidency, so it wasn't quite the same)
We have known Linda Remund for nearly 30 years.  She moved into the Snellville Ward after we did, Her oldest son Matt is the same age as Brittany, so they would play together sometimes.  Linda was already serving in our zone in Self-Reliance, so she welcomed us to our new world.  She will go home the end of June.  

The Savoldi's who are from Marietta worked on our temple shift.  They have previously served missions in Albania, Italy, and here on Temple Square.  When they learned where we had been called and to serve in Interpretation, they knew exactly what we would be doing.  So we were very pleased when they were called here in November.

Dave and Linda Ellefson lived in Lawrenceville Ward for a number of years before we moved to Sugar Hill.  They are such great people.  By the way, they joined the Church up in Brittany's area, so we had a double connection with them

And it has been so special to be serving again with the Cornish's who were in the Caribbean when we were there.  Elder Cornish is now the Assistant Church Historian, and they have an apartment just east of the Church Office Building where President Monson, Elder Oaks, and Elder Hales also have homes.  We have been blessed to hear Elder Cornish speak several times in our meetings.  But we only have a photo of Reid, who is able to serve a mission here as well, working in the Church History Library and also in the Temple.  Such a sweet, energetic young man!

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