Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years Day with the Family

Sunday morning we met Clay and family at the Tabernacle to watch Music and the Spoken Word.  With all the singers in their family, they really appreciated it.

We then parted and went to our Sacrament meetings.  And then all re-met at our place for a New Years Eve Buffet (as in Christmas Eve Buffet but on a different holiday :-)...) 

Doesn't Bert's and Chris' door look festive?!

 We had pigs in blankets, spicy meatballs, egg rolls, cranberry eggnog (Heather's favorite), and a Jubilee ice cream roll (like we used to get at Friendly's back in Dayton) for dessert.  

That was followed by some individual talent presentations and just general visiting and fun.

Bryan's family sang a funny song about Peanut Butter and Jelly

Talent included Clay's family making a human pyramid

and Kendall balancing a spoon on her nose!

It was just such a great way to begin the new year with our family in Utah plus Clay's.

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