Saturday, October 28, 2017

John Morgan Day with Nana and Bapa

Every year on the last Saturday of October, there is a Bison Roundup on Antelope Island.  We had never even heard of it! So we invited John Morgan to spend the weekend with us, partly because we thought he would enjoy that and partly because we just wanted to spend some time with him...He chose to bring his girl friend (emphasis on the word "friend") Jessica with him.and we enjoyed meeting her as well.
Antelope is a National Park.  We had never been there before.

Rob is getting all set up to film it.

Here come the bison.  They are being driven across the island by volunteers on horseback to be cataloged and many sold the following week.  We felt like cowboys on the trail!

Rob took him to the Conference Center which they really enjoyed.

 Then we took him to the Discovery Zone in the Family History Library which he really enjoyed, ..
Viewing where his ancestors are from

We went onto to Carolyn's apple tasting party (see previous post) and then he spent the night with us  The next morning we took him to Music and the Spoken Word.  I think that I have mentioned this before but Bryan designed the lights behind the Tabernacle while he was yet in college - so cool!

We ended up having such a great time and hope that he felt the same way.

Carolyn's Apple Tasting Party

For a number of years, except when they were on their mission, Ron and Carolyn have held an apple tasting party in the fall.  This was another great year.  There were many varieties of apples brought in.  Then everyone voted for their top three choices!  Red delicious won ??

The activities began with games - this first one with Duncan, Caroline, and Heather is a relay race, balancing an apple on their head.

Dad won the bobbing for apples game, using a tiny bowl, much easier than when we had a large tub full of water!

Everyone lining up to taste the different varieties.

Jill with Ginny's daughter, Annie, and cousin, Elizabeth Wilcox.

David and Judy and Adam Kasteler with Heather.

Gayle with delicious rolls

Carolyn and Ron who made this fun event possible!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Rob Spending Time with his brother David

One of the blessings about being out here is that Rob has been able to spend time with his brother David who has Lewy Body Dementia and is in an assisted living home/  He is still doing very well, so it means that he and Rob can go exploring or just visiting with each other.

One Saturday, Rob took him down to the Discovery Zone at the Family History Library where he was able to see interactive displays about his roots and his ancestors. And then lunch afterwards at Zupas.

Another time, they went to the Peace Gardens which they both enjoyed.  They enjoyed the walk and pretty surroundings. That visit was followed by J-Dawgs.

Here is the Abbingdon where he lives.  His wife Judy is able to come visit him most days, but he looks forward to Saturdays to be with his brother!

On the grounds

In the pretty lobby.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rob Has Cataract Surgery

For some time, Rob has noticed that he isn't seeing like he should.  At a visit with the eye doctor in August, she determined that he needed to visit an eye surgeon for possible cataract removal.  Sure enough, Dr. Rupp said that this needed to take place.   The right eye was operated on one Tuesday and the left two weeks later.  It was a pretty simple procedure in which they make a slit in your cornea, remove the bad lens and replace it with a new one with his prescription which just unfolds inside.  It is amazing.  For three weeks afterward, we had to give him three different eye drops at different times of the day for different purposes.  When we left the outpatient department of the hospital, he kept talking about how he could now see in technicolor.   Here is a little of the process:

Just before getting his right eye done.  If you look carefully, you can see a little red dot over that eye, so the surgeon doesn't operate on the wrong one.

 He had to wear the plastic eye shield at night for a couple of nights..
Horsing around with his plastic eye patch and his CPap mask!

And now the finished product!  Isn't he as cute as ever!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fall and the Alpine Loop 2017

We took another trip up the Alpine Loop between Highland and Provo (I think it is called the American Fork Highway!)  It was a week earlier this year because we weren't doing any interpretation activities on the weekend.   We chose a Friday afternoon, so it wasn't very crowded.

Afterward, we stopped at Sundance Resort and wandered around, exploring the gift shop and the art gallery.  So interesting. And then we went on to Provo and had a J-Dawgs hotdog and an ice cream cone at the Creamery.  A lovely day in every way!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

General Conference

The last two General Conferences that we have been on our mission were spent working behind the scenes with the interpreters.  We were up by 5:30 and not in bed until late.  Hard, hard work, although we loved working with these wonderful volunteers.  But, because of our new assignment, our General Conference weekend was free to --- watch General Conference.

For Women's Conference, I watched it in on the family room couch, along with Chris, Natalie, and her girls - so cozy.

On the next Saturday, we again watched it from Bert's and Chris's living room.  Poor Mushu had just been groomed and was cold, so she snuggled on the couch with Bert!

On Saturday night, we headed down to Provo, so Rob could go to Priesthood meeting with Bryan and Clay.  Emily, Grace, and I went to Kneaders for dinner.  Emily bought mine, so I bought them each an elephant cookie, proceeds to go to charity.  It was so fun being with all of them.  

But the most exciting thing was being able to go to General Conference - our first time every!  Growing up in Salt Lake, we were always told not to go to Conference, but to save the space for those coming from out-of-town.  And then we were never out here at that time.  This year, however, we were given tickets for Sunday morning as missionaries and were able to attend!  Such a wonderful experience!

I wanted to get there early, so we arrived at the parking lot before 7:30!  The doors wouldn't even open until 9, but that was just fine!

Our seats were in the right front area, which is the side from which the General Authorities enter.  We had such great seats!

One of the extra treats was that Sunday morning included Music and the Spoken Word with the Tabernacle Choir just before the session began.

After the marvelous talks and singing were over, we headed down to Provo to enjoy the afternoon session with Heather, Bryan, and their families!

Here is have the room!  Heather gives the kids two words that they need to listen for and record during Conference, and then they get to choose a candy bar from the basket shown in front!

And here are Emily, Bryan and Grace all comfortable as well!

A special hug between Rob and Emily!

Again, it was such a special day.  We are so grateful for the Apostles and other General Authorities who give us God's direction for the next six months!  We were so inspired and given some good ideas to follow through on.