Friday, September 29, 2017

Rob's Stepmother Grace's Funeral

Grace, Rob's dad's second wife, died September 8th, just a few weeks short of her 93 birthday.  She had been living with her daughter Shauna Ashton for some years in California.

Rob took this picture of his dad and Grace when they came to visit us in Michigan after the birth of our Clayton who was named after his grandpa.  We had so much fun with them!

The last time we were able to visit with Grace was in St. George in 2008.

Here funeral and burial were at Wasatch Lawn in Salt Lake.  Such lovely flowers!

 Rob's brother John and his wife Pam came out from Michigan to attend the funeral.  We actually haven't been with them for years and years, so it was so nice visiting with them.

Ron and cute Carolyn (Rob's sister) did the luncheon arrangements - Carolyn is such a hard worker.

Judy (Carlos' widow), Gayle (Rob's sister), Rob, and John

Rob's brother Dan and his wife Penny

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Georgia Friends Come to Visit

One of the best parts of this mission has been being able to see so many friends who have come into town!  
The Lords, who we knew in the Lawrenceville Ward many years ago, and who now live in California, were in Utah for their daughter Becky's wedding.  

Colleen Nichols was in town after taking her second daughter to BYU Idaho to start school! She is such an amazing lady from our Sugar Hill Ward.

Debbie Kriser and Judy Holliday from Sugar Hill Ward also came in town for Women's Session and a visit to Temple Square and friends.  Here we are on our former interpretation floor.

We took them to Music and the Spoken Word with the Tabernacle Choir, not knowing that the day was the 150th anniversary of the Salt Lake Tabernacle!

Here we are all sitting on our bench!  Thank you, Rob, for this cute photo.  I miss these Sugar Hill women a lot!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Wonnacott Cousins' Dinner

It has been many years, since Jill's cousins got together, so she wanted to make sure that there was a gathering while we were still out here on our mission.

So with Chris' help making the reservations, we reserved a room at the Lion House for Friday October 15th, and sent out invitations.  Judi, Jerri and Deanne who all live out-of-state couldn't come, but we had 23 from here in Utah.  Richard and his wife came from outside of Denver and David and his wife came from St. George, bringing his sister Linda. Each cousin took a few minutes telling about themselves and their family.  Rob recorded everything, and put it up in google photos, so that those who couldn't be there could still be part of it.  Such a very special evening!

Julie and Scott Bringhurst (Uncle Wes)

Chris (Clarence)

Rob and Skip


Larry and Marsha Nielsen (Uncle Wes) - we work in offices next to Larry

Rob (Aunt Afton) Somehow there wasn't a photo of Chrissy!

Brent and Tammy (Uncle Wes)

Brian (Uncle Vaughn)


David (Uncle Bill)

Linda Hall (Uncle Bill)

Debbie (David's wife) and Kathy (Brian's wife)

Richard and Connie (Uncle Wes)

Rob Wakefield (Clydie's husband, Uncle Vaughn, I don't know why there isn't a photo of Clydie!)

Such a wonderful night, we think, for everyone!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Overnight in Brighton with Rob's Missionary Companions

John Gerritsen and Rob were missionary companions in Argentina more than 50 years ago.  The Gerritsens have a cabin up in Brighton, and they invited us up to spend the night.  The Jim McKeans joined us. too, for dinner.  

The McKeans and Gerritsens brought souvenirs from Argentina to show!

After dinner and the McKeans left, Rob and John played pool.  

Here it is in the daytime!  They have a 1/8th share - sleeps ten or so.

The next day we had a great walk around Twin Lakes.  Such a nice relaxing break!  
This rock commemorates the first Statewide Pioneer Day Celebration in July 23-24, 1857 - ten years after the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.  There were brass bands, militia, horses, etc.  In the middle of the celebration they learned that Johnston's Army was headed to Salt Lake, so they all had to quickly head back down the canyon to prepare.  This marks the beginning of the lake walk.

Apparently, there are two lakes when the water is low, but just one when it is high.  We were able to experience just one beautiful lake.!