Sunday, February 26, 2017

Valentine's Day and Rob's birthday

I love my dear husband so much!  He has done such fun things through the years for Valentine's Day and this year was no different.  I love my Valentine.

I made him an egg with a hat on it, cutting the bread into a heart shape. 

 And he danced my the cutest Valentine's Dance while he sang.  
No woman is more blessed than I am!

That evening, our Mission Zone was in charge of a Tri-Zone Social.  We held it in the Relief Society room of the JSMB with a lasagna dinner, including mini cheese cakes for dessert.  I had made red velvet cupcakes for everyone which were part of the centerpieces.  We had a great speaker from the Self-Reliance department come speak to all of us about the great things that they do.

We went down to Heather's the Sunday afterward to celebrate Rob's birthday with Heather and Bryan and their families.  She had decorated everything so cute and even had meat loaf and chocolate cake- his favorites.
This cake has a magic candle on it.  When you light it, sparkler flames come out.  Then the petals open up and it spins around playing "Happy Birthday."

Grace enjoying her dad's lap.

All the kids living here were there, and he was so thrilled to have been able to hear from each one of the kids who wished him a happy day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Snow, Glorious Snow!

One of the best parts of serving this mission here in Utah is the snow that we have been able to enjoy lots of this winter!  There are just not words to say how wonderful it is, and I can’t get enough of it.  While others have complained about the snowy winter, it has been so fun to walk to work in the morning wearing my boots and being surrounded by snow!   So this post is just photos of snow all over the valley.
Bert's house one snowy morning!
Our car on a snowy morning!
Bert's and Chris' lovely backyard!
More snow!

View towards east mountains from COB

Mist on the snowy mountain

More of those clouds

Downtown Salt Lake